notfallhunde (2006)

Notfallhunde Notfallhunde Admin The website "Notfallhunde" (German for "Dogs in an Emergency") was a voluntary work for the Tierschutzverein Velbert-Heiligenhaus e.V. (Society for the prevention of cruelty to animal Velbert-Heiligenhaus). I did the design as well as the code behind it.

The main purpose of this website is to have an easy way to present the dogs of the Animal Shelter Velbert which need help most urgently.

It was important to make it easy for non-tech-savvy people to publish content on the website to keep it up to date. The content can be added using easy forms, the uploaded pictures will be automatically resized.

This website is based on my web framework Konstrukt which saved me a lot of work, because I could reuse existing components for the user management, stats and the link page without coding a single line of code. I only had to modify the template files.

Link: Notfallhunde (German)