This application is some kind of an RSS proxy. You can access cached RSS-, RDF- and Atom feeds using this proxy:
The server downloads the feed, caches the feed items and served them to the client.
The main advantage is that it can cache the single feed items over a longer period of time (say one week). So you don't miss feed items even if your client doesn't have a permanent Internet connection or if it only batch-processes the items infrequently.
An additional advantage is the client identification. You can generate a client ID using this URL:
The server will return a client ID (e.g. 'k4JOgtlf'). When you now use your client ID to access a feed...
…the server already knows which items are new for this specific client ID and onl returns the new items. That saves a lot of bandwidth for the server and for the client. Great, isn't it? :)
Note: This application makes massive use of Perl's ithreads what can have negative effects on the memory consumption of the application. Also, there seems to be a memory leak somewhere so that the application has to be restarted every 1 or 2 weeks depending on the usage. You will need Perl 5.6 or higher with threading support.
Download: RSSCache-0.2.tar.gz (License: GPL 2)